“Danny Kaye’s Baby Sitters”

Saskatoon Star-Phoenix – Feb. 8, 1961

Danny Kaye with Keiran Egan, 2, and Pauline Flynn, 22 months

(This picture was being sold on Ebay and is an archived news photo.)

LONDON (AP) – Comedian Danny Kaye was a transatlantic baby sitter Monday, responsible for two Irish children in a jet airliner.

The babies, Keiran Egan, 2, and Pauline Flynn, 22 months, were handed to Kaye at London airport, and he held them in his arms while the plane’s stewardess prepared a bed.

Kaye, in London on business, was asked whether he and his wife, Sylvia Fine, would escort the children across the sea. They are to be adopted in the U.S.

The stewardess could have taken care of them, but regulations require that children be in charge of an adult passenger.

The Kayes accepted the responsibility and it didn’t seem likely they would have any trouble. The babies were sleepy after a rough plane journey from Dublin. They were being sent by a church orphanage.

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