“Movies Saving Time, Money”
New Uni-
Kentucky New Era – Dec. 20, 1948
By: George Trammelt (Central Press Correspondent)
Hollywood, Dec. 20—Reams of printed matter go out daily from Hollywood, detailing the doings of the movie stars. The mechanical and technical side of the art of making motion pictures is virtually ignored.
However, just the other day a revolutionary production gimmick was used for the first time in the filming of a new picture.
It is technically called the uni-
Veteran studio technicians say the new mike will save movie makers thousands of dollars on every picture and also give the fans a break.
The uni-
To the average movie-
Whenever you see some movie celebrity singing in a movie scene, actually he, or she, is merely making motions with his lips in time with a recording playback that had been concocted previously.
Normally a singer will pre-
However, such a method definitely is not the best method of getting the funniest out of Danny Kaye. He is what directors call a never do the same thing twice comic.
If he does a song 10 times he usually does it in 10 different moods. If he was in one mood when he made the original record a week before, the chances are 10 to one that he will not be in the same mood when he does it a week later on the playback.
The use of the new uni-
Sylvia Fine, Kaye’s wife and the writer of all his special music material, now can
sit within a few feet of the camera and play Danny’s accompaniment to those lightning-
Geared to pick up Kaye only, the unique microphone shuts out all background noises. Thus Kaye—or any other actor—can record his own voice on the spot, the orchestra can put in the background music later and Sylvia’s accompaniment will never be heard.
Your reporter visited the Kaye set to watch the new mike operate for the first time. Between scenes we had a chance to talk with Kaye.
We discovered that Danny gets a little irked when people call his triple-
“The Gilbert and Sullivan experts,” he said, “have been doing the same thing for years. Thousands of other people could do the same thing that I do if they were willing to concentrate.”
Danny recently made his own collection of Gilbert and Sullivan recordings. While the acceptance of the general public is gratifying, he caused quite a stir among the G. and S. diehards who like none of their ifs, ands and buts changed.
Mrs. Kaye, no worshipper of ancient idols, saw fit to alter some of the lyrics for Danny’s unique style. While the famed D’Oyly Carte spirit is still there, one or two words are missing in some verses.
“I hope it is just a tempest in a teapot,” said Danny, “But I certainly can’t say that my fan mail lately has been 100 per cent complimentary.”
Danny makes two significant vocal departures in his new film. He will sing no scat songs and he will, for the first time in pictures, sing a sentimental love song . . . straight.
The comic said, “There is a great difference between a fast lyric and the git-
For this picture Kaye’s wife has whipped up a ballad called Lonely Heart. Danny sings it without a touch of his satirical technique.
The lucky gal on the receiving end of Danny’s love song will be Barbara Bates. She lays the ingénue lead of a scullery maid who, of course, gets Danny as her very own in the final reel.