My Theories:
Low Self-
There are times when it becomes easy to pick up an underlying tone or feeling from
a person's statements. As I've read through all the articles and books in my research
for this website, there were certain statements made by or about Danny that caused
me to think that he might not have thought too highly of himself at times. "Haven't
you been talking about ego on this website?" you might ask. The answer is: yes. We
have been dealing with the subject of ego, as well. However, if you've already read
Theory #1 you will remember that one of the possibilities for that ego might have
been the possible manic-
In any case... It does seem apparent that Danny did not always have a high opinion of himself, his appearance, and his talents. Even in Martin Gottfried's book, Nobody's Fool, at least two people made mention along these lines:
"'He never knew how wonderful he was,' [Broyna Galef] said." (Nobody's Fool, p. 317)
"[...] Dr. Rosenfeld's reading of Kaye's depressions. ('He was successful-
Where is the proof?
This theory first started percolating in my brain after seeing the beginning portion a YouTube clip, which is unfortunately no longer available. Having read Gottfried's book, Nobody's Fool, I knew he made mention early on of Danny's bright red hair as a child and the difference he must have felt from the other children because of it. This particular YouTube clip featured Danny and Lucille Ball on The Danny Kaye Show. He greets her warmly and affectionately says, "Hi redhead." Lucy smiles and returns the same warm greeting: "Hello, redhead." It was Danny's reaction that caught my attention . . . ducking of the head and what looked like an embarrassed smile as he picked at a piece of lint on his pant leg. Danny had dyed his hair blonde periodically throughout his life. Originally, it was because Goldwyn made him to do it for the Technicolor cameras. However, after he stopped making movies with Goldwyn, there was nothing demanding him from continuing to dye his hair blonde, was there? I started to wonder if he did it because he preferred it that way at times? Could it have had anything to do with trying to hide his red hair, I wondered.
Then I read Kurt Singer's book, The Danny Kaye Story, and started finding other information
and quotes that seemed to relate to this theory of low self-
About his hair and appearance:
"The girls made fun of his red mop of hair and gangling arms. [...] Danny was not
popular. He could fight-
About his hands:
I found this particular information interesting in regards to his hands... Apparently that was another image issue Danny dealt with as a child.
“[…] since his early school days, when his fists had dangled, large and limp, out of his brother’s coat, they had been a source of annoyance. They seemed to flop, to get in the way, to be too long, and too flexible.” (The Danny Kaye Story, pg 57)
A “talent scout for the Shubert Theater in New York had told him paternally, ‘Young man, you will never get anywhere in the entertainment world until you keep those cockeyed fingers under control.’” (The Danny Kaye Story, pg 57)
Years later when critics praised his elegant hand movements, Danny was unimpressed:
Danny Kaye: “I remember when my hands were my handicap. Now everyone suddenly admires my hands—even ballet dancers and famous surgeons have complimentary comments to make. But I have been conscious of them all my life, and they still seem like two large chunks of meat dangling from my wrists.” (The Danny Kaye Story, pg 57)
About his fast singing:
[From September 11, 1948] "A number of Gilbert and Sullivan singers, however, have been talking this fast for a century. Frankly, Kaye said, he doesn’t see what people think is so wonderful when he does it."
Other related info:
[From March 23, 1958] "Kaye has been known to walk out on an interview altogether.
His wife has been quoted as saying that he does this because he is self-
The Conclusion
Each one of us is self-